Aliza Latta is a writer, artist, author, speaker, and pastor who is a huge fan of telling stories.

Aliza creates content for Canada’s largest youth conference, Change Conference, and is a church planter in Ontario, Canada at Mountainside Church Dundas. Her artwork and writing have been featured in publications for LifeWay, Dayspring, and (in)courage. She is passionate about seeing people formed into the likeness of Jesus.



Aliza writes monthly for Dayspring’s (in)courage, and has contributed to a variety of books and Bible studies. She’s the author of multiple books, and regularly writes YouVersion Bible plans for Change Conference.


Each of us needs reminders of our belovedness. Aliza’s first children’s book, Loved By Me, does exactly that: it earnestly reminds each child of their capacity for bravery, kindness, and the light they offer the world. But most of all, it calls attention to their identity: a child who is beloved, exactly as they are.

Through whimsical and heartfelt words, and beautiful watercolor illustrations, Loved By Me takes an honest look at how life can be scary and how sometimes we can feel forgotten or unseen. Using empathy and honesty, it is a kind reminder that even on our hardest days, we are loved.


Aliza preaches regularly at her local church, youth events, women’s events, and video curriculums. If you’re interested in having her at your next event, fill out the form below!