Loved by Me

Written and illustrated by Aliza Latta

May you always have hope, even if
that hope’s small,
A hope that the world can be better for all.”

Each of us needs reminders of our belovedness. Loved By Me does exactly that: it earnestly reminds each child of their capacity for bravery, kindness, and the light they offer the world. But most of all, it calls attention to their identity: a child who is beloved, exactly as they are.

Through whimsical and heartfelt words, and beautiful watercolor illustrations, Loved By Me takes an honest look at how life can be scary and how sometimes we can feel forgotten or unseen. Using empathy and honesty, it is a kind reminder that even on our hardest days, we are loved.

You were designed with a purpose,
a great plan in mind,
You were made to be loved,
you are one of a kind.”

I’m stunned to hear this is Aliza’s first novel. It’s riveting. I couldn’t put it down. A fiction story that reads true, told by a person with a gift for artful words and phrases. I’m an avid reader. This is the best fiction I’ve read for months on end. It should become a movie.
— Amazon review
She braided herself right into me, our fibres knit like the cross-stitch which hung on the wall.
— Come Find Me, Sage Parker

Come Find Me, Sage Parker

For nine years Maeve Parker has been waiting for her mother to come home. 

“I’ll be back soon, my darling,” her mother, Sage, said the day she left. “Don't you worry. I just need to go find myself.”

Do you have to run away in order to find yourself? Maeve wondered. When, exactly, do you know when that self you were so desperately looking for is found?

Now Maeve is sixteen-years-old and Sage still hasn’t returned.

Fiercely independent and disillusioned, Maeve has grown up with her mother’s ex-boyfriend as her only companion. Giving up all hope of Sage’s return, she convinces herself that mothers—and people—are unnecessary. When she meets Ky and Levi, she is adamant about keeping them at arms length. But Ky, the only true friend Maeve knows, and Levi, the boy with the startling blue eyes, crash through Maeve’s walls.

Then one of them is wrenched away—permanently. And Maeve is left dangling with the final words they left behind: go find Sage Parker.