26 things Rwanda taught me


I have learned to constantly strive for a bold, authentic faith. I have learned that Milo, brownies and cheesy broccoli are absolute  staples.

I have learned that there is a time to speak and a time to stay silent.

I have learned that our God-given purpose is to embody love.

I have learned that the largest frustrations can be as simple as awful  internet connection.

I have learned to French braid.

I have learned that my heart has gotten much, much softer.

I have learned that sometimes I can be very feisty...particularly when  I’m feeling a bit moody and some silly motorcycle taxi driver tries to  charge me more simply because of my skin colour.

I have learned that Fanta fiesta’s are extremely delicious!

I have learned that vulnerability and fragility are not necessarily bad things at all.

I have learned that I am terrible when it comes to budgeting.

I have learned that I would be perfectly alright with having a bunch of little black babies of my own. (Though I suspected this before hand.)

I have learned that life is a process.

I have learned that most Rwandan kids seriously can dance.

I have learned that some Rwandan kids seriously can’t sing.

I have learned that wisdom can come in the form of a six-year-old.

I have learned to sort of play the ukelele. Sort of.

I have learned that having friends who live in Australia is a VERY good thing.

I have learned that strength and independence can sometimes transition into an unfulfilled need for protection.

I have learned that the extraverted Aliza in Canada can be become an introverted Aliza in Rwanda.

I have learned that language barriers can be broken with a smile.

I have learned that I take communication, water and love for granted.

I have learned that we can all take steps towards changes. With those steps comes a difference. And a difference is a difference, no matter how small.

I have learned that writing is my worship.

I have learned that sometimes what Jesus asks of us, the world will think foolish. I have learned to do it anyway.

But above and beyond all these, I have learned that God can do anything.
