Ashimwe-sized faith


There’s a little boy named Ashimwe, a six year old from camp, who has taught me more about prayer then any book or pastor ever has. Ashimwe is an orphan. I know his mother was brutally tortured in the genocide, and later died of HIV aids. I do not know about his father. I know that he has many other siblings, and that the incredible ubuzima women (a group of amazing women who either have HIV aids or have a family member with HIV aids) took in Ashimwe and his siblings so he could have a home, protection, food, and a family.

This tender little sweetheart who held my hand and laid his head in my lap, has been through more then what most people ever go through in their lifetime. And yet he smiles and sings and dances, carefree and innocent, having full faith that since God has taken care of him so far, He’ll continue to do so.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone pray with as much passion and vigor as Ashimwe. When he prays I have no idea what he’s saying, but I’m enthralled by him and can’t even focus on the prayer. Instead I just have to stare at that little six year old boy who prays with everything that he’s got. It’s incredible to me.

You may think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. Ashimwe has so much faith I feel as though he puts me to shame. And he’s six. And he is beautiful. He’s the kid I picture in the beginning of Matthew 18 when Jesus talks about having faith like a child. Having faith like Ashimwe.

This is my new challenge: to have Ashimwe-sized faith. He’s a tiny little boy, (I thought he was 4 years old) but his faith is larger then the Rwandan hills that surround me. "Jesus said, ‘This is the truth: unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. In that kingdom, the most humble who are like this child are the greatest. And whoever welcomes a child, whoever welcomes the weak and the friendless, the small and the frail, the mute and the poor, the ugly and the disfigured - whoever welcomes those in My name welcomes Me.’" - Matthew 18: 2-6
