day fifteen: the wednesday collection


Okay. I admit it.

I was tired today.

For anyone who knows me, you know I don't do well when I'm tired. Or hungry. (The reason: I become hangry. A scary, scary thing.) So I went back to three posts that have always resonated deep within me. I think you may feel the same. These are some of my favourite people and writers and people.

This Is Your Courage, Fully Released // Emily Freeman

Make a mess, be a sloppy first draft, scribble in the margin. But don’t turn in someone else’s work. We just want you, fully alive as you. We want the person of Jesus relating with us through the filter of your unique personality. 

We Are Human // Shannan Martin (Flower Patch Farmgirl)

Don't ever apologize that you don't read enough, you aren't consistent or scheduled enough, your vocabulary isn't big enough, your clothes aren't stylish enough, your home isn't clean or pretty enough, or that you always burn the stew. What you are is brave and needy and scared and wild.

When You're Tired of Wearing Masks // Jennifer Dukes Lee

God knows that about me. So—in His relentless grace—He continues to repeat one message into my insecurity-prone heart: “I didn’t ask you to be her. I asked you to be you.”


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This is day fifteen. You can find the rest of this series right here.

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