I had the privilege of hanging out with an amazing lady: the lovely Crystal Stine. I met Crystal this summer in Arkansas at the (in)courage retreat. Crystal is one of the most genuine encouragers I know. I can honestly say that she has been a constant source of encouragement for me since we started corresponding via email this past March. She asked me to come chat with her about being enough for her 31 day series. Feel free to watch this, but feel even more free to simply pretend it's a podcast so you don't have to see my face. (I'd prefer if you chose the latter.)
Also. About twenty minutes before we were going to do this, I woke up. Haphazardly threw on clothes (definitely wearing pyjama bottoms, shhh) then haphazardly threw on makeup, hence the puffy eyes. My eyes are real puffy in the morning. (Too much information for you? Sorry. But you needed a warning.)
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Some notes purely for your utter enjoyment:
- Crystal's American, in case that wasn't clear.
- If you want to try a DELICIOUS non-espresso drink from Starbucks, get a Vanilla Creme. You can thank me later. (Be warned, it comes with whipped cream, so ask for no whip if you're into the skinny drinks.) (Also also, I prefer three pumps of vanilla -- instead of four -- in a grande. Again, thank me later.)
- Pinterest generally bums me out, except for this. This makes me very happy. (Don't even think about telling me this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen.)
- If you're wondering what (in)courage is, it's an incredible site made up of incredible women.
- My favourite verse when I'm feeling un-enough = Ephesians 2:4-6. (My favourite is the Voice, but the other translations, especially NLT, are really good. It's just a good good verse, ya know?)
- Crystal's fabulous leaf/feather garland mobile hangy thing.
- THERE SHALL BE PRINTABLES! Stay tuned. (Fridays, Saturdays, hmmm...)
- Jennifer Dukes Lee's book, Love Idol.
- You are not a failure if you don't feel enough. This is a journey. Let's journey together?
- (I legitimately had to tell myself that I am enough fifteen minutes after we did this.)
And now I'll leave you with this:
[Image Source]
This is day two. You can find the rest of this series right here.
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