faith is a choice

In approximately 4 days, my friend and I will be running a dance/music day camp for roughly 100 children. These children are around 6-25 years old. Some do not know English at all, some know English a little.Originally, I was coming to Rwanda to be able to help with this camp, and to just lend a hand here and there. Though I’ve worked at summer camp in Canada for 5 summers, I didn’t know anything about working at a camp in the heart of Africa. A girl from Los Angeles normally comes to Rwanda to run the camp, but this year was unable to. So now it’s up to my friend and I. Neither of us have ever done anything like this before. And as I look into the coming week ahead, I know I have a choice.

1) I could become overwhelmed at this slightly (extremely) daunting task which is at hand. Picture this: 2 very white girls running a camp for over 100 very African children. 1 of us teaching dance (you can figure out pretty quickly that’s not me!), and 1 of us teaching music and singing (that’s me). During the morning there will be worship and preaching, and during the afternoon we will each take a group of 50+ kids and teach them. I could get scared because these kids don’t speak good English, if any English at all, and I could feel overcome with doubt that this camp just is not going to work.


2) I could choose faith. I could choose to believe that God had me in Rwanda for this specific moment. I could choose to believe that God keeps swinging all these doors wide open for a reason. I could choose to believe that this camp will be a miracle. Because at this moment this camp doesn’t seem possible, or likely, or practical. But it does seem miraculous. And I’ve always wanted to live to see a miracle.

So in this moment, and in the next few moments, and all next week and the week after that, I will choose to have faith. At the end of the day, does it matter if they’ve learned singing techniques or proper dance moves? Or does it matter that we love them, and care for them, and want them to know how much Jesus loves them and cares for them?

This is my new philosophy:

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these things will be given to you. So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.” - Matthew 6:33

So choose faith. Because really, what else is there to choose?.
