Fear ain't the boss of me


Fear and I are well acquainted. She's a snarly, bossy thing, always trying to control my actions and thoughts and feelings. When Jesus gave me five remarkable words in the midst of a dream last August, I woke up and thought, "No. Impossible. Fear is so entangled with who I am -- I couldn't possibly live without it." But Jesus has taught me (over and over and over again) that the year of no fear is possible indeed. And not only is it possible -- it doesn't simply cease after one year. It's possible for the entirety of my life.

How much more free I am when I live brave.

The year of no fear? Yes. The life of no fear? Indeed.

Fear, you ain't the boss of me.



This is day three of the series 31 days of choosing brave. You can click here if you'd like a list of all the posts in this series. If you want to make sure you don't miss a day, feel free to subscribe below. line1