My faves of 2015


When I think of 2015, I think of planes, trains, and automobiles. I think I took -- minus a helicopter, dang it -- every sort of mode of transportation this year. I'm pretty sure motorcycles top my list of my favourite ways to get around. 2015 was a year of adventure. My passport has six or seven new stamps, including the gorgeous one from Machu Picchu. It was a year of going new places, and meeting new people, and trying new food (like guinea pig and alpaca, to name a few). I'm so deeply grateful for these experiences and the stories I have collected from them. But I think 2016 will be a year of staying. That's fine with me, too.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Here are a couple of favourite things of mine from 2015 --

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Favourite books:


All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven was my favourite book in the fiction category. I inhaled it on my trip to Peru. I hardly slept the way there because I just kept reading and reading. I hope Jennifer Niven continues to write more young adult novels. I thought it was beautiful, tender, and truthful.


Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof was my favourite book in the non-fiction category. Oh my gosh. I read this during my time in Uganda, which made everything so much more real. I would come home from seeing pregnant women about to give birth in the hospital hallways because there was no room for them, and then I would read Half The Sky. Both my experience in Uganda alongside the book changed me. I keep buying copies and giving it to people.

Favourite hand lettering pens:

5FC-FBR770075-Faber-Castell-Mix-and-Match-Pitt-Artist-Pen-Set-Essential-600x600  Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 11.28.46 PM

Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens are my favourite pens to use for simple hand lettering. In the quote I lettered above, I used the S tip. But I also love the M, as well as the B and F. I'm a big cheater (it's okay to cheat at hand lettering in my books!) and I draw all of my letters out in pencil first, and then I fill them in afterwards.

Favourite TV shows:


How have I never seen Gilmore Girls before this year? Sister started watching it at the beginning of the year, and convinced me to start too. I'm just on season 7 now, and I reallyreallyreally don't want it to end. Lorelai and Rory forever!


And of course I watched Friday Night Lights like there was no tomorrow. I'm going to re-watch the whole series again. It's just too good not to. Two words: Tim Riggins.

Favourite social media platform:

Instagram's probably going to be my favourite forever. I know there are a million new apps, but I keep loving Instagram. Something about seeing people's lives in picture form -- and there's so much art!

Here's a peek at my most liked photos from this year:


Favourite adventure/experience:

Screen Shot 2015-05-16 at 1.11.38 PM

Naming baby Eve in Uganda tops my list of experiences this year. Machu Picchu was an incredible adventure, but naming that precious, tender baby girl was one of my most favourite things I've done in my life, let alone 2015.

Favourite blog posts:

Most looking forward to in 2016:


The birth of my baby nephew! He's set to arrive at the beginning of January. Auntie Aliza's going to go all out, that's for sure.

So tell me -- what are your favourites from 2015? And what are you most looking forward to this next year?

