Wholly yourself

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 9.24.34 PM I'm such a sucker for personality tests. I see a quiz online and I immediately drop everything and take it. I love getting to know myself better. I'm a huge fan of debriefing, of highlighting my lows and highs, of figuring out what's working for me and what's not.

I'm an ENFP, if you're wondering. (And if you have no sweet clue what I'm talking about, you can take a mini Meyers Briggs test here.)

So I've realized I'm a verbal processor -- when I talk to someone I trust explicitly I manage to understand my feelings and thoughts a whole lot better than I would if I kept them inside my head. I've realized many other things too -- my strong independence, my need for affirmation, my never ending list of dreams.

And even though these things (and so much more) make up who I am, I still find myself looking at other people and longing for parts of them.

If only I could write like... 

If only I could look like... 

If only I could paint like... 

Shauna Niequist once said, "With people, you can connect or you can compare but you can’t do both." When I compare myself to others, I give into my fears. Instead of celebrating who God created me to be, I choose to compare myself, allowing envy and fear to determine who I am.

But when I choose to be wholly myself, a girl Jesus instilled with dreams and gifts and hopes and plans, I'm choosing brave.

We all have something to offer the world. Each of us, uniquely designed and intricately formed, with purposes I believe are beyond our imaginations.

May we choose brave, choosing to celebrate who God created us to be, choosing to be wholly ourselves.



This is day fifteen of 31 days of choosing brave. You can click here if you'd like a list of all the posts in this series. If you would like these posts directly delivered to your email inbox, subscribe below.line1