I've never been good at staying.
I prefer adventure and wandering, passports, and places I've never been before.
If you want honesty, here it is: I'm scared of being stationary. It's feels too close to boring, on the border of dull and bland, leaving no room to sojourn. But that's false. Staying is brave. I think sometimes staying is braver than leaving. Leaving can be wrapped around a falsehood of adventure, when in reality I think a lot of people leave because it's easier than remaining behind.
Sometimes leaving is hard. Sometimes leaving is the easiest thing in the world.
But it's staying which causes me restlessness. I think: I'm not doing enough. I think: I'm going to miss out. I think: staying is too freaking hard and hurts too freaking much.
So I'll run away, away from the place I should remain in, away to somewhere new and exciting and adventurous and I'll leave where I'm supposed to be behind. It's romantic, you know? The idea of whisking yourself away from your dangling problems that threaten to choke you. But leaving is not always the right thing to do.
Sometimes the people beside you need you to look into their eyes, and hold their hands, and stay by their sides for awhile. It might not be easy. But who ever said it was easy? No. They said staying was brave.