2015: The year of no fear

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Let me tell you a story of the day Jesus spoke to me.

It was in August, this past August, and it was a day like any other — except it wasn’t.

I was lying on my couch after an early morning shift at Starbucks, and I heard my mom reciting verses of healing over herself. Her calm whisper soothed me into sleep, a rhythmic lullaby I could not resist. Somewhere in between sleep and consciousness, I heard these five words:

The year of no fear. 

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I awoke — my hair tangled, imprinting against my cheek — and I tried to grasp the strange words I’d heard uttered in the middle of my dream. I could not shake them.

“The year of no fear,” I murmured.

What would that look like? A year of no fear? A year without having to be afraid?

But I was afraid — I am afraid. There are so many things to fear . . . aren’t there? I’m certain you know those things well. I could hand you a list right now, a list filled with fears and insecurities and worries, and the list would be long and would indefinitely grow longer. And I believe you probably have your own list, too.

I catalogued the fears in my head, tangible ones I had previously tasted and others I was sure would come to pass. Those wild and ferocious fears snarled at me, and I closed my eyes hearing the words again:

The year of no fear.

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I echoed the phrase, breathing the words in like a drug, and the peace that usurped me was beyond understanding. In that moment I realized something: it’s not about not being afraid, but about trusting in a God who is bigger and greater than even our biggest and greatest fear. 

So this? This is an invitation for you to live your own year of no fear.

What does that look like? Well, I don’t know. But I’ll be right there, living it out with you.

Jesus says over and over that we don’t need to fear, and yet I live my life afraid. But I’m tired of this. I don’t want to be afraid, I want to be free.

So as this new year begins, as you choose your One Word or make a resolution or two, I hope you remember this: So do not fear, for I am with you. (Isaiah 41:10)

www.theyearofnofear.com #theyearofnofear


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